Monday, June 05, 2006

Tobacco, Burgers, and Sugar

Farah! i need you now!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Antoine: why do I need to remind you constantly that I can't see the pictures/drawings you are posting!!!! Anyway, 1) who is Farah 2) Tobacco, Burgers and Sugar are what I live on 3) Please change the name of the blog and call it: Fadi & Antoine Inc.

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

maybe farah is the dentist

Anonymous said...

i think that your drawings are very ugly and insulting. you have no respect for other people's religions and obviously you cannot tell when you have crossed the line.
i petition that you take out the post that makes fun of druze immidiately.

Anonymous said...

i am glad to announce that i am out of the closet

bored said...

you might not believe it but shampoos can be very inspiring to draw destructive illustrations.
Destroy the teeth
Destroy the breath
Destroy Wi2am Wahab
Destroy the dentist
Destroy the Druze (fuck off pink horsey)
Destroy Horseys (while i'm at it)

Anonymous said...

pink horsey is not me
i like pink and i like horseys, but i don't like pink horsey

Anonymous said...

Maybe Pink Horsey is Farah...

Anonymous said...

C'est quoi ce blog???? Un gars qui s'appelle "Bored" qui sait scribler et se sent frustré??? T'as rien de mieux à faire?????

Anonymous said...

fadi chaker u dont know who is farah ?farah is pink horsy bassita .

Anonymous said...

fadi chaker u need help the heat in saudi arabia is affecting ur brain.

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

who is arnaud?

Anonymous said...

1) There is no heat in Saudi Arabia, the weather here is very cool. Yesterday I burned my finger with my car keys.
2) I was considering a fish for a pet, but after giving it some thought I decided to drop the project: It's a little weird to be looking at a fish swiming in a bowl 400 km from the closest beach.
3) I cannot take statements that begin with "I would like to say that..." If you like to say something so much just say it. No need to inform listners of your preferences.
4) The Saudis here might have lost my passport. Saudi Arabia is probably the only place in the world where the private sector confiscates the passport of foreign residents.

Anonymous said...

arnaud is a dick. nothing less nothing more.

Anonymous said...

5) In fact i enjoy wearing skirts as much as hopping naked on my balcony. my saudi neighbor is a big man who like to watch me from time to time.
6) fishes are excellent pets but they cannot engage actively in conversation
7) the heat in the desert is giving me a rash between my legs.

Anonymous said...

8)would pink horsey let me ride his back naked in the desert
9)rouji do you want to ride with me, i'll sit in front
10)I have a lot of free time here and I like to spend it thinking of Antoine and browsing through his website although i can't see the pictures
11)is home made wax better than the commercial?
12)what about silkepil?

Anonymous said...

1)there is heat and your brain is melting
2)get a pet
3)statement: ayri fik (ma tsaddi2)
4)i hope you can never return
5)no comment
6)i think you'll be able to in a few months in the heat
7)use baby powder it's better than clip and smells better
8)ayri fik
9)fuck off
10)don't use the picture i gave you
11)home made

Anonymous said...

Dear Mousse and Antoine,

So many things I want to tell you and the audience on this blog. First, to all bloggers (mind you if I meet you in real life you may not under any circumstances refer to me as a “blogger”), so to all bloggers who check and participate to this bazaar of sick and twisted minds in unchained expression, please note the following:

1) Mousse and Antoine are using my name to release and express their deepest desires and frustrations. They cannot admit that THEY would like to wear skirts, strip naked to neighbours (I refer you to this same blog where Antoine admits to all that he sleeps but-naked facing his neighbours, who are on average 126 years old), and PINK HORSEYS!!!!!! What’s wrong with you people!!!!! Ba3den the plural of fish ya Antoine ya jahsh is fish not fishes (further proof that I did not write the obscene paragraphs).

2) To get a rash you need heat and humidity together. Temperature today: 45 degrees Celsius (That’s like 7.6 on Richter’s scale in terms of earthquakes), Humidity: 5 % (which means that even if you want to cry you can’t because your tears are dry).

3) Fish are not pets, they are souvenirs.

4) I will return, and when I do… Antoine, do you imagine what will happen when I come back? Mourad, if it turns out that you have a hand in this (and I am almost positive that you do), then you must seriously consider spending part of the summer in that village of yours.

Mousse, you are forgiven (for reasons that will be revealed on the world map later).

As to the Little Genius, well I warn you that you should not take part in any of this plotting against me as you might be spending a considerable part of your time in my company if I manage to find my way to Beirut (assuming you will have free time).

And there is of course “Wikalat al Akhbar wal Akawil al Mankoula wal Moukhtara3a (WAAMM), to her I say: If you decide to stab me in the back then I will not carry Kishik for you on the plane. Matté is out of the question by the way.

And last but not least, to Koukou: stay away from those people, they will ruin any chances of you becoming taller than me.

Pray for your own sake that the Saudis don't find my passport...

bored said...

Dear Fadi, and Bloggers,

i have been away from a computer for weeks due to an overload of work outside the office. namely shoots and meetings. Koukou can confirm that since i've been in her company.
i realized that there has been a massacre on this blog involving many suspects.

fingers are pointing at me and mousse by the paranoid fadi living in riyadh.

i assure you that i have nothing to do with this conspiracy, and that the latest posted comment above that uses ridiculous english (more ridiculous than mine) is not my own. i would also like to point out that the person who has written in my name added a link to the website of angry arab.

i assure you that this is not my site and that i have nothing to do with it.

we all know that fadi is illiterate when it comes to computers, so i will not accuse him of this, especially that he is a victim himself.

this leaves three people who can be involved in this plot:

- mousse
- his evil wife
- and the propagandist: joanne

for the following reasons:
- the propagandist came up with the idea that one person is writing in different names.
- the idea was applauded by the first two.
- it is in the interest of the 1st two options to convince the world that fadi and antoine are having an affair.

this overrules the involvment of antoine, fadi, or the little genius.

i hope this makes things clear to everyone.

Bored Antoine.

Anonymous said...

since this blog seems to be the site for announcements and total honesty, I declare, after the latest events, that I shall no longer tolerate tardiness from Rouba. And since this matter also concerns the rest of you I decided to go public with my decision. and while we're at it with the whole honesty thing houbi: if you'd also erase all your male-friends' numbers from your phone, we'll be just perfect. you know my number by heart, that's all you need.

Anonymous said...

انطوان يا كلب يا كذاب يا دجال!!!!
So what if you were busy??? You think this will give you an alliby eh??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You are as guilty as all the others!!! كيفو ضميرك يا خائن يا صهيوني!!!

bored said...

this blog is turning into a very unhealthy forum.
i think i will have to reset it.

last warning: you will have to stop writing in other peoples names or i will reset everything and remove all comments.

Anonymous said...

فليسقط الديكتاتور!! فليسقط انطوان!!! لا للرقابة في العالم العربي!! لا لمحاولة قمع الاصوات الحرة (انا والموس)!! لا انت حبيبي ولا كنا سوى (انا وانطوان)!!! لا لالياس عطا الله ووليد عيدو!!! لا ثم لا ثم لا (قمة الخرطوم 1967)!!!

Anonymous said...

وليد صحّ النوم!!! من بعد شي اربع سنين لاحظت انّو كمية الوقت اللي حضرتك قضيته تحت بيت ربى اكتر من الوقت اللي قضيته مع ربى!!!!

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

i love this blog.

Anonymous said...

first of all, fadi bhannik 3alla maw2afak
second to rouji holmes, your reasonning is flawed, the reason is that neither me or joan or ruba have the time to do such a plot:
i have finals and my FYP
joan just moved to amsterdam and i doubt she has time to do anything but work
ruby is too pure of heart to be in on such a diabolical scheme

i point my finger and ruby's and if i may defend joan who is unable to right now, so i will speak for her, towards ZOUZ
she seems to really enjoy this blog in a sick twisted way that makes me uncomfortable
asslan ana w ruby w joan have perfect english

there is something that we all almost missed, including my genius self
fishes is pronounced fisheeez
tidli3 ya3ne, so whoever wrote it did not do a spelling mistake but meant it as it sounds, so the mystery person is undoubtidly a SHE, wich takes us back to ZOUZ

i wouldn't exclude little genius either, i think i heard her say fishees when we went to jbeil, she has plenty of time and most importantly she has the motive
she explicitly asked rouji to erase all men's numbers from his phone, so she could be setting me and fadi up
fadi, at least tell us this...was it you who said "i am glad to announce that i am out of the closet"?

Anonymous said...

by the way, shaker, that was lIttle genius rejecting ruba's Highly AppreciaTed exprEssion of affection (making us Wait) i wAited and wIll conTiniously waIt proudly uNder ruba's house.
and no, she is not makinG me write this.
there is no subliminal message here

Anonymous said...


You a very shrewd observer and a sharp analyst. Bhanik. I also think that Zooz is somehow behind this, and it is she who said that I was finally out of the closet. Again, for all those dreaming of me out there: I like the closet. I am staying inside. And don’t knock.

Now, whoever devised this elaborate and “diabolical” plot, to quote the words of our English expert and master mind in the far end of the ring Walid the Webster Moussawi, so to this Diablo, whoever you are, Zooz or no Zooz, I have a few words to say:

Nothing can come between Antoine and Walid. I have known them both for quite some time now. A very strong knot ties them together. They are both, in some way, “Bohemians”. I remember once discovering that occasionally the two of them took long walks along the Corniche. I can only speculate but the conversations during these walks must have been fascinating. When they are together, a sort of serenity dominates them and they seem to be floating on a cloud. I truly envy them.

It takes a keen observer to notice these details. Has anyone ever wondered why Rougie and Mousse almost always win the games of RISK? They have an implicit agreement to abuse the affections of Rouba and the Little Genius (both of them mere cover-ups) and throw the poor girls into the fires of world conflicts, using them as human shields to destroy civilized and respectful players seeking to spread messages of peace and encouraging world trade (such as myself). But all is fair in love and war…

Rouba! Little Genius! Wake up! Don’t let those two devils abuse your natural good heartedness! Ruba, Walid is a founding member of “Hilm” (Dream). Nadine, do you really believe Rougie when he says that he’s going to Barouk to see his parents and spend THREE DAYS there??????? Wake up and look around you….

Anonymous said...

Dear disturbed creatures,
It is true that I have been the observer all along this (self) destructive journey due to many reasons, but my intervention now does not entail explaining them.
However, the progression of things neccesitated my prompt intervention. And Fadi don't think that the Barouk Land and Areej story is what hit the nerve, yet it would be interesting to follow the trajectory of your conversation and spot how you are always trying to get rid of all the girls in your male friend's life. It is exactly how areej doesn't mix his Jabal and Beirut world, you'd rather keep your World of females far away from the other world of males. This was a side note. The crucial thing I want to clarify is the outrageous conclusion you came out with regarding Risk (yes the game). I won that game worthily. The pink ruled the world, and if one would go as far as making an analoggy with your male/female world phobia, one might get a clear idea why you cannot accept that fact.

Anonymous said...

computer says no...ew

Anonymous said...

just a minutes little genius
now that i am looking back at that game of risk, and after i forgot all the post game analysis that we discussed bi issheb moutawwal, and i assure you that i remember nothing of it, i can objectively say that i see things very clear right now
only one two things come back to my mind:
1)nadine trying to protct the defeated rouji
2)fadi breaking the alliance him anwar and me had and thus making the three of us week facing nadine on our own
mix the two together you find fadi trying to save rouji by letting nadine overrun us
ya fadi ya sou3ben this time you'll see

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Sane and Lucid Little Genius (as opposed to all of us disturbed here),

Awalan, Rougie has repeatedly expressed that he was feeling “besieged” by girls and that he no longer has enough male friends (and since Walid is the only male left in Lebanon, apart from the Mak, then it is only normal that Rougie develops strong emotions towards Mousse).

Thaniyan, “mixing up my worlds of males and females”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, shou hal nazariyé!!!!!! Please do not elaborate.

Thalithan, and most importantly, and here I must address Mousse also, the only time you Little Genius won at RISK was by managing to get me so drunk that I fell asleep in the middle of the game and my troops were taken over by the no good traitor Walid Moussawi who sent the Greens to their death after a long and proud combat. Ba3den ya Walid ya kharfen, the game where YOU broke the alliance and Anwar and I had to fight alone against the ravaging tides is not the same game when Nadine ridiculously defied all rules of nature and survived as the weakest (a pure accident of nature, like the disappearance of the Dinosaurs and the Phoenicians). You are confusing things. And one more thing, Rouba plays RISK the same way she plays بيت بيوت, so any Cartesian or spinozian logic fails in analyzing the events of the game.

Rabi3an, Ana wou Antoine khalas, it’s over, finito, never again on Sunday, النهاية, La fin… Walid has won the battle; he gets Rougie. I lost, Nadine lost, Rouba lost, Mak lost and Tarazi lost.

Finally, Nadine, you’re getting a mug with the Eiffel tower on it.

Anonymous said...

roujie, post another pic from your khawater...we finally need a new topic cause this one diverted into the unknown, and i'm not sure we all want to reach a full confession from shaker, such as the one almost out there.
i can't remove the disturbing image of shaker wearing a skirt and then hopping naked on my balcony.
one comment: shaker you need to wax...please

Anonymous said...

noooooooo shaker I definitely don't deserve the mug with the eiffel tower.... !! but you have to admit that my nazarié had something to it!! actually it is always when you use the 'pa-leaaaaaaassse' argument that i know that there is some truth to what is being said to you.
Once again you are obliging me to correct your information. The risk game you described is all true, but you missed one important factor, that I was in the adjacent room taking a nap before that memorable new year's eve. had I been playing in that one, I would have definitely wanted to take you down sober. lal tarikh the game I ruled, the day the pink ruled, was at Mouse and everyone was sober and fighting till the last minutes. You were all very corageous and i salute you.
Please don't get me the mug!!

Anonymous said...

What??????????? What do you mean you were in the adjacent room taking a nap???? I was on the extra bad taking a big nap also in preparation for the memorable evening after having consumed a substantial amount of Bourbon very early during the day!!!!! Kiss ikht hal game, if I was napping, and you were napping, who the hell was playing that RISK game on the day of new year's eve of 2006???????

bored said...

mousse and I. we were playing with all of your pieces while you slept. ruba was only involved physically in moving the pieces and playing the dice, but mousse was also using her for his bigger scheme.

Anonymous said...

ana el sou3ben ya mousse ya moustad fil ma2 el 3aker!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

Today I made an excellent discovery in my experience as a blogger. I have discovered that every blog can take you to hundreds or even thousands of other blogs!!! What this means is that once I complete taking over Rougie's blog, I can move to take over the blogs of people on this planet who don't even know me!!!! This is terrific!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.