ما هو برأيكم الأسلوب الأكثر فعالية للخروج من الأزمة الحالية في لبنان؟
إستفتاء على صفحة السفير يؤكد أنّ الشعب حيوان، مع أنّي على إقتناع بأن هذا لا يمثّل كل المواطنين
شي بطمّن
22% العودة إلى طاولة الحوار
17% التصعيد في الشارع
7% تحريك المبادرة العربية
52% تقسيم لبنان إلى فيديراليات طائفية
إجمالي عدد المقترعين 16689
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
الأفضلية للحياة، بس في حالات انا شخصياً بفضّل موت - للشاعر عبّاس جوز الهند
بفضّل موت ولا يصير ميشال عون رئيس جمهورية
بفضّل موت ولا يرجع عمر كرامي رئيس وزراء
بفضّل مشروع الخيمة على مشروع حرق الدواليب
بفضّل بياخة بيار صادق على محن مازن كرباج
بفضّل بيروت على صيدا مليون مرّة
بفضّل مشروع اقتصادي ليبرالي على معارضة بلا مشروع
انا احب الحياة
هو يحب الحياة
هي تحب الحياة
كلنا نحب الحياة
و على فكرة، مع انّو بفضّل موت ولا يصير ميشال عون رئيس، ولكن:
انا كمان بدّي عيش
وبعرف على الأقل اربع اشخاص (بينهم نساء وواحد فلسطيني) كمان بدنا نعيش
وأخبرت عن واحد انتحاري يعاني من انهيار نفسي صار بدّو يعيش نكاية بعد ما شاف حملة «انا أحب الحياة»
و بشكل عام، ولو العالم مش بجم، كانوا لاحظوا انّو حتّى نعيش بدّنا ناكل، وبدّنا نتعلم، وبدّنا شوّية استقرار (يعني مش ضروري كلّ الوقت استقرار، بس على الأقل اربعة اشهر بالسنة من دون احتساب الأعياد والعطل الرسمية وعيد القديسة رفقا)
وفي ما يخصّ سمير جعجع، رجاءً التوقف عن ابداء ملاحظات بذيئة عن ستريدا لأنّو عم تطلع فشّة الخلق بالعالم.
معلومة اضافية: نبيه برّي محضّر حملة دعائية لتمييز نفسه، شعار الحملة: «بدّي بعد مصاري»
نهايةً: جماعة «الادفيرتايزينغ» (الدعايات) اذا ممكن رجاءً ومن اجل مصلحتكم بالمستقبل: اوقفوا تدخلكم بالسياسة اللبنانية لأنّو صرتوا انيك من السوريين لما كانو يكتبولو لاميل لحود خطاباته.
Scribbled by someone
2:10 PM
We Hate Those Who Love the U.S.
I found this on Angry Arab's blog, and all i can say is:
We Need to add the following countries to our Death wish:
- Phillipines
- Kenya
- Nigeria
Kis ikhton shoo don't they get negatively affected by American Foreign Policies???
Don't they watch news???
And what the fuck is wrong with the fucking chinese??? Almost 30% are with US influence.
Fuck the american dream. Fuck it!
Scribbled by someone
10:59 AM
"Should we work to abolish Israel?"
From Haaretz:
A country in question
By Adi Schwartz
"Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its 'right to exist,' wrote Abba Eban in a November 1981 article in The New York Times. "Israel's right to exist, like that of the United States, Saudi Arabia and 152 other states, is axiomatic and unreserved. Israel's legitimacy is not suspended in midair, awaiting acknowledgement by the Saudi royal house. Nor does the Palestine Liberation Organization have the legal status to grant recognition to any country, or to deny it recognition."
...Since then, the discussion of Israel's right to exist is no longer just the realm of Arab parties in conflict with Israel, and has become part of the European and American discourse. In recent years, particularly since the second intifada and the failure of the Camp David talks, one can find an increasing number of discussions like "Was it a mistake to establish a Jewish state?" or "Should we work to abolish Israel?"
Scribbled by someone
10:41 AM
Monday, January 22, 2007
From Egypt
Please note that drugs do exist in egypt, abundantly... and soon they will be developing Nuclear Power.
Scribbled by someone
7:09 PM
Robert Fisk: This jargon disease is choking language
Robert Fisk: This jargon disease is choking language
In the military sex-speak of the Pentagon, Iraq would endure a 'spike' of violence
Published: 13 January 2007
From The IndependentI once received an invitation to lecture at "The University of Excellence". I forget where this particular academy was located - Jordan, I think - but I recall very clearly that the suggested subject of my talk was as incomprehensible to me as it would, no doubt, have been to any audience. Invitation rejected. Only this week I received another request, this time to join "ethics practitioners" to "share evidence-based practices on dealing with current ethical practices" around the world. What on earth does this mean? Why do people write like this?
The word "excellence", of course, has long ago been devalued by the corporate world - its favourite expression has long been "Quality and Excellence", invariably accompanied by a "mission statement", that claim to self-importance dreamed up by Robin Cook when foreign secretary - swiftly ditched when he decided to go on selling jets to Indonesia - and thereafter by every export company and amateur newspaper in the world.
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7:03 PM
We The Phoenicians...
Please check the below link. This is ridiculously hillarious:
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11:02 AM
How We (Arabs) Discovered the Bomb (a contribution by the coconut)
Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of the Arab World, Iran, Turkey, Darfour as an integral part of Sudan, Kurdistan as an integral part of Iraq, Cyprus, The Island of the Rabbits (250 meters of the coast of Tripoli, Lebanon),
Please be informed of the following:
1- A few months ago his Excellency the Head of the Arab League Mr. Amro Moussa Diab announced that the League might consider the development of an Arab Nuclear Program.
2- A while later someone representing the GCC (the Gulf Countries Council) announced that the 6 countries forming the Gulf (Yemen not included because they are poor) are contemplating a peaceful nuclear program
3- A couple of days ago, al-Jazeera of the Rabbits (official TV on The Island of the Rabbits) announced that Jordan intends to develop a peaceful nuclear program of its own.
My sources say that:
a) Mazen Kerbej is planning to launch his own nuclear drawings (from Paris)
b) Fatah might develop a deterrent nuclear bomb to curb the rising influence of Hamas
c) Nuri el Maliki (he is someone in Iraq) is going to Brazil to inject his balls with enriched Uranium
d) In 40,264 years the Indian Peninsula will drift again into the Ocean and the conflict in Kashmir will be solved
e) Masoud el Barazani is looking to buy nuclear waste and use it to build barracks for his Kurdish fighters
f) Playboy is dying for an interview with Hassan Nasrallah, so are all the women in Lebanon
g) Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand (famous for Kiwi: a fruit that has no wings) will soon be requiring explorers and Mexican refuges going to the South Pole to obtain visas from the concerned embassies before stepping on the ice.
This said, a conclusion is due: We Arabs should take ourselves a little more seriously, without losing our sense of humor though.
Scribbled by someone
10:49 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Could it be Star Wars?
China tries to reassure the world on space missile 'aimed at peace'
Jane Macartney, Richard Beeston and Tim Reid
China signalled yesterday that its first missile strike against an orbiting satellite was intended to force the US into talks aimed at abolishing weapons in space.
As it faced an international chorus of protest against its test — the first such launch for 20 years — its officials insisted that they wanted space to be free of weapons.
“As the Chinese Government, our principle stand is to promote the peaceful use of space,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman said. “We oppose the militarisation of space. In the past, in the present and in the future, we are opposed to any arms race in space. Of this everyone can be confident.”
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1:07 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
can you believe this son of a bitch?
from "israel international news"
Strategic-Threats Minister: Arabs Don´t Object to Trading Areas
Minister Avigdor Lieberman says the Arabs agree tacitly to trade Arab-populated areas inside Israel for Jewish-populated ones in Judea and Samaria. Israeli-Arabs are not included in this consensus.
Scribbled by someone
3:42 PM
Comforting News: Nuclear War
From the London Sunday Times:
Israel plans nuclear strike
Air force squadrons are training to blow up Iran's uranium-enrichment facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters”, according to several Israeli military sources Focus: Mission Iran
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3:28 PM