Monday, January 22, 2007

How We (Arabs) Discovered the Bomb (a contribution by the coconut)

Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of the Arab World, Iran, Turkey, Darfour as an integral part of Sudan, Kurdistan as an integral part of Iraq, Cyprus, The Island of the Rabbits (250 meters of the coast of Tripoli, Lebanon),

Please be informed of the following:

1- A few months ago his Excellency the Head of the Arab League Mr. Amro Moussa Diab announced that the League might consider the development of an Arab Nuclear Program.
2- A while later someone representing the GCC (the Gulf Countries Council) announced that the 6 countries forming the Gulf (Yemen not included because they are poor) are contemplating a peaceful nuclear program
3- A couple of days ago, al-Jazeera of the Rabbits (official TV on The Island of the Rabbits) announced that Jordan intends to develop a peaceful nuclear program of its own.

My sources say that:

a) Mazen Kerbej is planning to launch his own nuclear drawings (from Paris)
b) Fatah might develop a deterrent nuclear bomb to curb the rising influence of Hamas
c) Nuri el Maliki (he is someone in Iraq) is going to Brazil to inject his balls with enriched Uranium
d) In 40,264 years the Indian Peninsula will drift again into the Ocean and the conflict in Kashmir will be solved
e) Masoud el Barazani is looking to buy nuclear waste and use it to build barracks for his Kurdish fighters
f) Playboy is dying for an interview with Hassan Nasrallah, so are all the women in Lebanon
g) Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand (famous for Kiwi: a fruit that has no wings) will soon be requiring explorers and Mexican refuges going to the South Pole to obtain visas from the concerned embassies before stepping on the ice.

This said, a conclusion is due: We Arabs should take ourselves a little more seriously, without losing our sense of humor though.

1 comment:

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

u also forgot that saad el hariri is concerned with Iran enriching POTASSIUM!