Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Here’s How I Met Her: She Leaped on Me

Click on the title above to see the reference article mentioned in this post. Thank you nervora for sending us the original article, giving us more reason to curse samir khalaf.

Here’s How I Met Her: She Leaped on Me
(By Sally the Leaping Kangaroo)

I want to say something about Samir Khalaf and his pornographic opinions about the disbalance in the male/female ratio in Lebanon which he so academically expressed to a reporter of the New York Times: 5 females for every male in Lebanon, and the mating season is December 20 – January 5, June 20 – August 25 and, depending on the moon, also during Eid el Fitr (When Muslims celebrate the Holly Mushroom that the Prophet Greendizer (peace may be upon him but not us) threw at the infidels in the War of the Sands). But while I was preparing myself to start cursing Mr. Khara… I mean Khalaf.. Pierre Gemayel is assassinated by a strange looking person wearing red shoes, a rainbow shirt, baggy pants and a blue hair wig in a very crowded area East of Beirut. The blue haired person disappeared mysteriously in a flashy green Cadillac. Witnesses in the area said that the person could be Roger Rabbit and the flashy Cadillac looked a lot like Wi’am Wahhab. But that will be for another episode of your favourite show: “We Hate You!”. For now let us curse Samir Kharaf.

“The demographic reality is truly alarming,” Professor Khalaf said.
“There are no jobs for university graduates, and with the boys leaving, the sex
ratios are simply out of control. It is now almost five to one: five young girls
for every young man. When men my sons’ age come back to Lebanon, they can’t keep
the girls from leaping at them.”

Ok Mr. Khalaf. Your son in an Abanderado underwear model. I was in Lebanon during Mr. Kharaf’s alleged mating season (and I am working abroad and have occasionally received compliments on my looks), but it seemed to me that it was mostly the Italian and Spanish UN troops who were trying to keep the girls from leaping at them. I really wonder why the girls in Lebanon don’t leap on the Lebanese soldiers who are in the Independent Mouhafaza of South Lebanon… I mean they are also carrying M16s (For the girls, M16: American made automatic rifle…) and have green, red, blue and brown berets, while the UN guys only have blue berets… Maybe we should redeploy the army to Gemayzeh…

One more:

Samir Khalaf, a professor of sociology at
the American University of Beirut, said the scene astonished his American
colleagues. “They are just shocked,” he said. “ ‘This is Lebanon, the Middle
East?’ they say. They can’t stop talking about all the belly buttons, about all
these highly eroticized bodies. You see it everywhere here, this combination of
consumerism and postmodernism and female competition.”

A “combination of consumerism and postmodernism and female competition”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the fuck do you link those three????? Wlak kiss immak, 3am imm illi allak rou7 shar bil Gemayzeh… 3am imm el amarken… 3am imm el postmodernity… Mr. Kharaf, you were a good friend of the late (and most respected) Edward Said, and you never cease to brag about it; didn’t you learn anything from reading Orientalism? Couldn’t it just be that your American colleagues have glasses called “A Thousand and One Nights”??? Postmodernity and female competition!!!! Allah la yfay2ak…


Ghada said...

this is one of the most unprecise or unscientific articles i have ever read!!!!
yes, curse curse curse it!
i never understand how, nor why lebanese people say negative things about lebanon, specially if they are only their own opinion, based on their intuition!

Anonymous said...

1. Nervosa: Thank you (I might be bored and hateful, but i am not impolite (though I curse a lot and sound and look like a taxi driver)... so thank u for the encouragements...

2. Genuine: For someone whose profile says you are 29, you are still amazed by things... I'm a few years younger than you and last month I had an encounter with alliens and spoke to them about the difference between bourbnon and scotch... don't be amazed... live long and you'll see much (3ish ktir bitshouf ktir)..

Ghada said...

hehehe i guess you're right.
I am not amazed, I just don't understand why!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NO!!!! Taxi drivers are a latent lumpen proletariat... who is the peasant who is trying to steal my identity and sow confusion on this blog???????

Anonymous said...

Confusion was not intended.

1. Present or potential but not evident or active: latent talent.
2. Pathology. In a dormant or hidden stage: a latent infection.
3. Biology. Undeveloped but capable of normal growth under the proper conditions: a latent bud.
4. Psychology. Present and accessible in the unconscious mind but not consciously expressed.

Give some credit to the taxi drivers. This lumpen proletariat theorizes, hopethizes and analyzes, and most importantly it is identified by the spitting and swearing. It's a hidden breed of scientists waiting for the right moment to surge. Tell the peasants to wait and see..

Anonymous said...

What are you? Who are you? Am very very curious... Can you tell where this quote comes from:

"...but if there was any hope, it lay in the proles. You had to cling on to that. When you put it in words it sounded reasonable; it was when you looked at the human beings passing you on the pavement that it became an act of faith."

If you can... without using google, then you are a very precious thing...

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Peasant,
I don't know how much of this you will believe and how much you won't, it depends on how much trust you put in an anonymous writer.
I couldn't restrain myself from looking the quote up in google, and I must tell you that unfortunatly I haven't reached chapter 8 yet (very sadly), Because that would mean that I am not after all a very precious thing. But thank you anyways, because it is a much more interesting reading now,I am very fortune that you haven't ruined the end of the book for me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Taxi,

How much trust I put in an anonymous writer? Much...