Genuine don't panic... women can be very very sexy in Chador... bas I am with you, it's better without it, but don't worry, it's not for the this month that the shi3a are going to bless us with a revolution..
hahaha... Apologises are dure to my friend the peasant taxi driver... I unconsciously adopted one of his lines... but you will see why, it has to do with a coming post..
Thanks monkey for reassuring me :) Yes I admit the picture is sexy, but that was not the point. Bored, please don't listen to the monkey! I am against chador, but very decent! Please don't wear a string, I don't want to see this, have mercy! :)
nchalla ma banat loubnan ysiro hek!!!
shoo? you are a christian scared from muslims?
lah lah, ya rabbi tnajjina...
islamophobia, 3a xenophobia, 3a kawka3aphobia, 3a amrad w 3ilal, w mashekil nafsiyyi la2anno ma massou min biz immon....
damar shemil
it's not that, i am just totally against being forced to wear a chador, I don't like chador.
i don't like shador either, and i like alcohol too. so?
you are scared that the muslims will force you to wear a chadoor?
you think anyone can force a whole population of shrameet and drunken men and women to stop sharmata?
don't worry it's a long road there. never gonna happen.
walla iran, from shah to khomeini is a good example!
Genuine don't panic... women can be very very sexy in Chador... bas I am with you, it's better without it, but don't worry, it's not for the this month that the shi3a are going to bless us with a revolution..
Dear Mr. Peasant
We said that peasants are no where close to taxi drivers. How dare you steal my identity??? this should stop immediatly...
I think though that "bored" agrees with the fact that shador is very very very sexy
hahaha... Apologises are dure to my friend the peasant taxi driver... I unconsciously adopted one of his lines... but you will see why, it has to do with a coming post..
sexy or not, it's i don't want it, and i don't even like the idea of any woman wearing it, and this is because it's only for women.
i'll wear a chador if it makes you feel better.
no no no! I want to see who i am talking to!
bored... i'll wear a string if it makes you feel comfortable... then you can see my ass when talking..
Hey Genuine.. take it easy no one is going to make wear anything, and you have to admit the drawing is sexy..
Thanks monkey for reassuring me :)
Yes I admit the picture is sexy, but that was not the point.
Bored, please don't listen to the monkey! I am against chador, but very decent! Please don't wear a string, I don't want to see this, have mercy! :)
a monkey in a string?
a red ass in a string???
sounds disgusting.
no thank you.
... i want to be under the shador..hhhmmm
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