Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Monster Stomach by Nadine Touma

I am sleeping in a monster’s stomach.
No it is not a modern tale of Pinocchio swallowed by a whale that now turned into a monster.
Imagine this deafening hum that is buzzing at your ear incessantly
As is an airplane is flying over you all the time
First I thought I was imagining this sound
Or that I was so obsessed with air raids that I as hearing them all the time
Then I was talking to a friend who explained that
This monster is the airplane without a pilot the MK
That the Israelis use to film us monitor us watch us 24 hours
Israel is a nation so scared of being ghettoized
To a point that It ghettoizes and imprisons others and it holds the key
But what our aggressors do not understand is that
When they build a wall they ghettoize themselves even if they have the key
And when they wage a war they ghettoize themselves even If they have the key
And when they kill innocent people they ghettoize themselves even if they have the key
They are ghettoizing themselves so much that they will be left with only themselves
And their keys…
Yet more devastated than scared
We prepare the shelter room
Although we are not bombarded directly yet
Mattresses are laid on the floor
Mama and I study the best wall the safest corner we become war experts.
Spreadable cheese
Salted Pumpkin and melon seeds
Dried fruits
The television
A book that we never get to read more than one sentence over and over and over again
And the supermarket visit where spaghetti tuna cans cheese powdered milk rice sugar flour toilet paper tissue paper are brought in quantities bringing me back to all the years of war. no matter how much time passes between one war and another the same things
Are bought and the same things are needed maybe the brand changes.
My god this is my second war!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.